Mr Nigel G Taylor


MDSc, BDS, FDS RCS(Ed), FDTFed RCS(Ed), FDS RCS(Eng), M’Orth RCS(Ed), D’Orth RCS(Eng)


I need to ask patients about their general health so that I can treat them safely. Please write the patient’s details below and then answer the health questions about the patient. All information will be kept confidential.


Name of person completing questionnaire, please print ……………………………………………


Relationship to patient ……………………Signature ………………………………     

Date …………………


Patient’s Surname …………………………………….……     

Title………..                                Gender ………………


First Names ……………………………………            Date of Birth …………………..




Postcode ………………………..


Tel. Home ………………………………………           

Tel. Work…………………………………………..


Tel. Mobile ……………………………………..            

e-mail address ……………………………………


School/Occupation ……………………………………………………………………………….


Doctor’s Name & Address …………………………………………………………………

Tel. …………………………………


Dentist’s name & Address………………………………………………………………………

Tel. …………………………………



HAS THE PATIENT                                                              Please give details below


Had rheumatic fever?                                     YES     NO


Had jaundice e.g hepatitis?                            YES     NO


Had any other serious illnesses?                   YES     NO


Been admitted to hospital?

(if yes, what for and when?)                           YES     NO


Had heart surgery?                                         YES     NO


Had a bad reaction to a

local anaesthetic?                                           YES     NO


Had a bad reaction to a

general anaesthetic?                                      YES     NO


Bled excessively following an

injury, surgery or a tooth extraction

(or has anyone in the family)?                        YES     NO                                          


Had blood refused by the Blood 

Transfusion Service?                                      YES     NO


Ever taken or plan to take                              YES     NO




IS THE PATIENT                                                                                           


Receiving treatment from a

doctor, hospital or clinic?                                YES     NO


Taking steroids (now or in

the last 2 years)?                                            YES     NO


Taking any other medicines or

drugs e.g. tablets, HRT, contraceptives, 

creams, injections or inhalers?                       YES     NO


Allergic to any medicines

foods or materials e.g. latex?                         YES     NO


Pregnant or possibly pregnant                       YES     NO




Smoke any tobacco products                     YES     NO      IN PAST    ..……..times a day?


Chew tobacco, pan, use gutkha or supari   YES     NO     IN PAST    ..……..times a day?

now or in the past


Drink alcohol                                               YES     NO     IN PAST    .…...units per week?


Have any heart problems, angina

blood pressure, or stroke?                             YES     NO


Have any chest problems

e.g. asthma or bronchitis?                              YES     NO


Have fits, fainting attacks

giddiness, or blackouts?                                 YES     NO 


Have               diabetes?                                YES     NO

                        a bleeding disorder?               YES     NO

                        kidney disease?                      YES     NO

                        liver disease?                          YES     NO

                              bone or joint disease?             YES     NO


Carry a medical warning card,

bracelet or warning token?                             YES     NO




Has the patient worn a brace before?                                                         YES     NO


If yes, what kind of brace was this? ……………………………


If yes, who provided the treatment? …………………………….


Has the patient ever injured his/her teeth?                                              YES     NO 


If yes, please describe the injury ………………………………………..……………………..…..


Is there anything else about the patient’s health or activities that you think an orthodontist should know about?           


Please make sure that any changes to the patient’s medical history are reported to me straightaway.

To comply with the 1998 Data Protection Act may I confirm that personal data is recorded and processed in order to provide orthodontic care. This information remains confidential.


