Lectures and Teaching
Nigel regularly attends national and international conferences and courses. He has an annual consultant appraisal to confirm high standards of practice and is the Hospital Faculty Lead for Dentistry and the Educational Supervisor for Orthodontics. He teaches and supervises local, regional and international trainees taking professional exams.
Nigel successfully completed a Deanery Qualified Educational Supervisor programme (QESP 1) Certificate in teaching, 2005, and QESP 2 Certificate in Educational supervision in 2009-2010. His commitment to, and participation in, dental training and education has been acknowledged by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh where he is a Fellow of the Faculty of Dental Trainers.
He has lectured at regional and national meetings and given postgraduate lectures on clinical and management topics, with consistently excellent feedback.
As a tutor for the International King's College online postgraduate degree, Nigel has authored the three orthodontic modules on Cleft Lip and Palate, Restorative Dentistry and Advanced General Dental Practice. He sets essays, answered by students worldwide and submitted to a virtual learning environment allowing remote access for marking and feedback. These modules have received excellent feedback and are updated each year to reflect contemporary best practice
Nigel is an examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and University of London and, as part of this, he prepares questions, clinical cases and examines candidates.
He is a Specialist Training Committee member for The London Deanery and is involved in assessing teaching programmes and setting standards by acting as an Assessor at Trainee panel meetings.
Teaching Appointments
Chair Local Faculty Group for dentistry and and Maxillofacai Surgery Guildford 2012-2017
Educational supervisor at Guildford for two STRs linked to GKT, Kings Dental Institute and to The Eastman Dental Institute
Clinical supervisor for 5 StRs linked to GKT Kings Dental Institute and Eastman Dental Institute
Clinical teacher at GKT (King’s Dental Institute and Guys)
MClin Dent (Prosthodontics) Tutor International distance learning Masters Course. University of London. Author of 2 modules, orthodontic module and cleft module. This includes setting and marking of module assignments. 1998-2003
E - tutor for Web based MClin Dent (Prosthodontics) University of London. The e-MClin Dent is the world’s first online postgraduate degree. Modules are used by students in different parts of the world enrolled on this distance learning masters course. Author of 2 modules, orthodontic module and cleft module. Essays are sent via a virtual learning environment at Kings to my home computer where they are assessed and returned with comments and emailed back to students via the university 2003 –
STC member Health Education England, London and South East
National recruitment assessor